Friday, October 21, 2011

MotoGP I

Awww Awwww!!!! My blog rotted! xDDD Imma clean it up now with my latest activitiesssssss.
So, past 2 weeks, Im having the God damn final. It was the worst 2 weeks I ever had. :(
It was like H-E-L-L.
But no worry. Im in heaven now. :P
Ah haha! So so so, yesterday after I had my LAST paper (math 2) I went to Sepang Circuit!!!! To meet those SPECIAL PEOPLE. <3 I love them.
I was so tired but Im so happy once I reached there. Awwwww!!!
Here's some pics.
 Big poster with Rossi. <3
 Replica Rossi's bike

 LOL. Lorenzo aaa, I copy u. Okay?
 Ben Spies. 
 Dani Pedrosa. 
 I hate him. Fuck him. No manners punya orang. Kurang ajar!
 Go Ducati, Go Rossi!
 Sepang Circuit is beautiful.
 Like father like daughter. :)
 Again. btw, That umbrella cost RM80. Wohooo! And now it's with 4 autograph of Abraham, Bradl, Aoyama n Hafish. :)
 Me n Abraham. <3 Handsome+rich+friendly
 Ben Spies was eating that time. :(
 With Hafish, Malaysian rider.
And lastly, with Bradl. He's handsome too. :3
 Way to go!!! Go Rossi!!!
 @ the pit lane. 1st time. <3
 Oh My Randy with his sexy pose. Hahaha!
 Aoyama come n give autograph.
 Busy wooo.
 Coming for my daddy.
 Signing for daddy. <3
Go Ducati Go Rossi!!!! <3

Thanks to daddy for bringing me here. I had fun. Tomorrow I'll go there again. :) 2mr is the race! Good luck to Marc Marquez n Valentino Rossi my two loves. :)